To plot or not to plot

Writing in English can be a treacherous thing to do. It most definitely has its pros and cons. I keep stumbling the cons every-so-often, and I recently did so again. I went to a forum to ask for help on a story, and posted it, obviously at the time, in the plot section.

It didn’t belong there.

Why? Because the plot wasn’t what I was having trouble with. Plot meant something different than I thought it did. Apparently the Norwegian equivalent of the word plot means something a little different. Wouldn’t have hurt to have known that a little earlier…

The plot is what drives the characters towards, or away, from the goal; their motivation. I already know what drives the character in this particular story forward, what his motivation is. But the clues that leads to his goal, is what I was having trouble with. He’s got the motivation to reach the goal, he just doesn’t know how to get to the goal. I have to drop a trail of breadcrumbs for him to follow, each time a little closer(or further away, I might be an ass and drop some moldy crumbs!) to his objective.

So now I feel a bit dumb to be honest! But now another question arises; just what AM I in the need of help with? What do you call the breadcrumbs as I have just named it?

I normally ask a friend for a lot of help and brainstorm with her, but she is so busy with work that it feels like my head is going to explode with ideas I cannot air out to see what she thinks(Yes, her opinion is important to me). So in the end I ended up bugging my penpal on Skype for over an hour with my problem. He actually had a few good ideas I could spin of on, but unfortunately nothing that could turn into a breadcrumb. But maybe it will be easier to put them out as I have more of the storyline? I’m writing down the rough outline as a result of our chat, so maybe that will help.

Gonna go sleep on it!


This is an acronym that is found often around the Internet during the November month, but what is it? I first discovered it last year, and had to find out what on earth it was. NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. And the concept is easy; the goal is to write 50 000 words during November. In other words(no pun intended), write a whole novel.

What’s the prize?

IF you make the deadline with the 50 000 words, you can be added to NaNoWriMo’s Winner’s page, receive a certificate and a web badge to pride your blog, website or whatever you have.


Well, why the hell not?:)

Not is it only an adventure in it-self to (try)writing a whole freaking novel in just a month, but you get the chance to develop your writing skills, come in contact with fellow writers, and even risk the chance of being published, like some of the previous participants have.

Am I participating?

Well, I kind of discovered the whole thing two days ago. Namely November 1st. NaNoWriMo’s kickoff in other words(there is that unintended pun again…), so I haven’t actually decided yet, although I’m writing. How’s that for a paradox…

What am I writing?

I had the basic idea for a fantasy novel, the starting setting, and a few characters, and it has been laying dormant for quite some time. So I figured that if I was going to write for NaNoWriMo, I might as well breathe life into it. I’ll see if I post some extracts here on the blog as I write, and of course on Wattpad and Writerscafe. If you’re a member there, look me up! My usernames are Cookiemonster87 for Writerscafe and Theivorypen for Wattpad:)

Do I think I’ll make it?


Probably not a good attitude, but I’m a realist, and I know myself; I don’t think I have the self discipline to write a certain number of words each day. But trying never hurt anyone. Well. Except when you try to go skiing and crash into a tree. So much for my viking blood, eh?


I have always been a daydreamer. Inside my head somewhere there is a magic box filled with ideas. I have always been happy that I have kept my imagination, even as an adult. But I just read a blogpost that made me question my own daydreaming. I mean, if all my ideas comes from inside, they are internal, a part of me. A part of the experiences I have had in life, good or bad. And if all my ideas are internal… there will never be anything new. Does that mean my magic box will go empty? Maybe I should do like the owner of the blog above, and pay more attention to what happens around me and draw ideas and inspiration from that?

If I look out my window now, the curtains are pulled. I’m blocking out the world. Outside the streetlights are on. I can see the lights from peoples houses over on the mainland. I see the increasingly naked threes in the somewhat stormy wind. The sky is dark with clouds and the rain is streaming down my window. It’s fall in Norway.

Okay, considering I live near an industrial area with warehouses, concrete,  and the main road just outside my window, that not so bad.

How do you find inspiration? Internally or externally? Or both?

Image found here.