Keep it simple?

I’ve recently been working a lot with my story The Unheard, and it kept bothering me that the monsters I created didn’t have a place or point of origin. They were just there. It bothered me that I didn’t know where they came from? I had a legend in the story itself of their creation, but I didn’t want it to be the truth. It’s kind of the same as with Zombie-movies; what caused the zombie outbreak in the first place? I sat there with the same issue.

Now, normally I come up with incredible complex ideas of how it all happened, terrified of face-planting into a cliché(although I probably do so more often than I am aware of from time to time), because surely, monsters don’t just rain from the sky(although that might actually have been an interesting twist too…!).

But I couldn’t bring anything up to a boil in that black pot of ideas I have in my head. I kept obsessing about where the monsters came from since they are central to the story. All I knew was that they could not always have existed as it would damage the storyline.

Then, my penpal, who has no interest in writing, suggest something so incredible simple, yet it solved all my problems. A curse. Simple and straightforward, and everyone knows how a curse works.

This idea didn’t just solve the issue of creation, it rose more questions which had to be answered. Who cast the curse? Who did they cast it on? Why were they able to do so? Why did they do it?

And thus, the story thickened. It was like adding salt to a watery porridge:)

The story that wrote itself

I’ve always thought this expression was just a figure of speech, that people were just being humble about their work and commitment to it. Although that probably is true in many cases, it’s equally true the other way around; because a while ago I did just that. A story just wrote itself.

I opened my Libre Office, started typing, with no plan, no idea, no plot, no nothing. I was just bored and needed something to do. But it was as if I was possessed as my fingers flew across the keyboard. Because after 2 pages I stop, look at it and say loudly to myself: Holy shit! This is the best thing I have ever written!

I was in awe!  That moment of total enlightenment as I stared at what I, a measly little small-town girl from Norway, had written; it took my breath away. I had written something I genuinely, without a sheer of doubt in my mind, could say was great writing. Writers are usually their own worst critics, which is true for myself as well, but this time I just couldn’t bring myself to doubt it.

But now what. I have a great opening for a story, but since I had no plan, no idea, no plot to begin with, AND it kind of just wrote itself, I don’t have the faintest idea how to continue the damn thing! So now I’m obsessed about this story, and cant bring myself to discard it.


I have always been a daydreamer. Inside my head somewhere there is a magic box filled with ideas. I have always been happy that I have kept my imagination, even as an adult. But I just read a blogpost that made me question my own daydreaming. I mean, if all my ideas comes from inside, they are internal, a part of me. A part of the experiences I have had in life, good or bad. And if all my ideas are internal… there will never be anything new. Does that mean my magic box will go empty? Maybe I should do like the owner of the blog above, and pay more attention to what happens around me and draw ideas and inspiration from that?

If I look out my window now, the curtains are pulled. I’m blocking out the world. Outside the streetlights are on. I can see the lights from peoples houses over on the mainland. I see the increasingly naked threes in the somewhat stormy wind. The sky is dark with clouds and the rain is streaming down my window. It’s fall in Norway.

Okay, considering I live near an industrial area with warehouses, concrete,  and the main road just outside my window, that not so bad.

How do you find inspiration? Internally or externally? Or both?

Image found here.

Featuring young writers

Today when I logged on my e-mail, I found a notice about a new follower on my twitter account. And what I found just went straight to the heart. The twitter account was linked to a brand new site aimed at writing teens and young adults, and I quote;

“(…)a non-profit website created and designed to showcase the works of young people who have found love and passion for writing.”

This site, named Young Writers of Earth, has great potential, and I can’t wait to see it finished. Will I submit any of my own writing? Yes I will:) Free promo is any writer’s dream! The posting of submissions will start in October, and you can submit your writing at;

However, I do recommend you read the submission guidelines before e-mailing.

A growing writer’s editing problems…

Many writers continiue to grow and hone their skills throughout their careers as writers. Although still unpublished, I am starting to notice a problem with my own growing and improving of skills. If I start out writing chapter 1, I will have improved so much by the time I reach chapter 6 that I have to go back to edit the older ones to match the quality of the newer ones. But guess what. By the time I am done editing, I have improved my skills again, and the proses just repeats itself. I guess this is what one calls an evil circle.

This is the very reason I haven’t finished my fantasy project yet. I have been typing on it, more or less since I was 19, and the difference between the story then, and the story now is just… Yeah, you get the point.

So what am I going to do about it? Screw editing until I have finished the story? Even so I’d have to go back to edit it before taking it to a publisher. Does it mean I should stick to short stories and the like until my skills stabilize? Should I change the way I work by making timelines for example(didn’t go too well the last time)?

I don’t know, I don’t have the answers. And although some would probably say they do have the answers, those answers might not be true for everyone. I have experienced this pattern of thought first hand, and it is not pleasant.

Anyone else have this “problem”? (I guess I shouldn’t refer to it as a problem, it just means I’m improving right?)

Writer communities

A writer’s life can be lonely. Long hours in front of the computer in your pajamas when you really should be sleeping can make anyone depressed when you have only produced a few sentences that mostly look like rubbish from a drunk monkey.

But how can you really be objective towards your own writing? How do you know if it is good or not? I don’t know about other writers, but I tend to look myself so blind from editing my writing over and over, that I don’t even notice my own spelling mistakes anymore!

But fear not fair maidens, rescue is near!

Personally I find entering writing communities(and forums) a great help. Many sites lets you post your work and have other members vote, give ratings, comments and feedback. There are often contests to enter, how-to’s, do’s-and-dont’s, discussion forums, etc. and they give great inspiration and motivation. The life of a writer does not sound so lonely anymore!

There are many great sites out there, and I thought I’d share the ones I found, and hopefully it will give others as much joy and inspiration as they have given me.

If anyone else know of similar sites, please share!


Elfwood( and fantasy only)



Flat tire…

Not long ago I posted 10 tips to get inspired to write. Ironically, I’m the one who is uninspired right now.

I do write and have fun with it at the moment, but it is just the basic stuff that I write to entertain myself, nothing anyone will ever see. What I’m not inspired to work on right now is my Fantasy project. I was so smart/dumb(take your pick) to make a timeline and plot inn various happenings in the story to see where I had to place them roughly speaking. And halfway done I just looked at it and I lost all my air, so now feel like a flat tire. There was SO much to be written, and still there were tons left that hadn’t been plotted in yet. It just looked utterly insurmountable! It was kinda like when I first saw my introduction book in statistics last year at the university. No matter how much I read in that damn book, I never seemed to get closer to ending it!

Anyway, I am still trying to be productive, and thought of entering another competition. This one also with a gay/lesbian theme. So I figured I’d try to write a lesbian erotica this time. It didn’t go to well and… yeah, let’s just leave it at that in case of sensitive readers.

But now my friend who has been making comic strips based on my fantasy project just came back from vacation, maybe she can get me in the mood again! Mood as in; to write on my fantasy project, not the lesbian erotica:P

Have a nice summer everyone!


Entering a competition

It is done. Last night I submitted a piece of writing for a contest I found at WritersCafé. It could be everything from haiku, poems and short stories, just no more than 3 pages. If I get first, second or third place, it will be printed in a magazine in Las Vegas aimed at the GLBT(gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered) community. So yes, I just wrote gay erotica which will be labeled with my full name. Scary, really! But it would be a huge step in the right direction for me, I have never had anything published!

There are two more contests I wish to compete in, both in the same genre(rather not think about what this might tell people about my character!)with the same prize; publishing! If I go off with the victory in just one of the contests, my summer will be complete!

Sure, I take a prize like this with a grain of salt, but not competing would definitely not get me anywhere!

Anyway, here is a tiny taste of the story who was just submittet;

Face down in the bed, Yuki is lying with his arms and legs straight out, close to trying to suffocate him-self in the madras. How did it come to this? How did this happen? How on earth did he end up getting a forced blowjob in a public area from someone he didn’t even like?

The safety inside the dark closet was not as safe anymore as an outsider had torn open the door and jerked him out. Yuki had heard of coming out of the closet, but this was ridiculous!

How did Yuki arrive to such a low state that he’d try to suffocate himself? It all started last weekend. In the icy cold rain in a deserted park Yuki let himself get seduced under a dead street light. He remembered the icy rain which made his clothing stick to his body. Warm hands had traveled across his cold skin and reached into his pants which were already slipping off. He remembered the low, whispering voice in his ear and the hot breath on his skin.

Yuki had just met Edward. Tall and lean with a tight ass, he gazed with hazel eyes through long locks of black hair. Edward was just traveling through; no one would ever know Yuki had slept with a man. That he was gay. It would be sealed shut in his heart forever. All he had to do was to keep up the façade. Well, that’s what he thought until Edward suddenly appeared in Yuki’s Social science class at Twin Peaks high.

All rights reserved. Images and text may not be used without permission of the copyright holder.

The results are in!

For a non-established blog like the Ivory Pen, 21 respondents isn’t too bad, so I am happy with it. Although I naturally wouldn’t have minded a few more. Due to the few respondents and the fact that I am in no way a professional in terms of analyzing results, the results here can be taken with a big grain of salt:P

Let’s cut to the chase;
twice as many females as males participated, 14 vs. 7, but since I am a female I am likely to reach out to more females than males. Same goes for age, over 66% of the writers were in the 21-40 class. I guess I should have made two classes.

But let’s get to the interesting part! Why on earth do people write?
One thing that seemed to be reoccurring is that writing is seen as a way to express your-self. In the midst of a world with almost 7 billion people, it can be difficult to be heard. I can relate to that(got a blog don’t I?:P), so many actually uses writing as a way of expressing themselves. And frankly, I think it is a great way of doing it:) Be it books, blogs or whatever.

The other thing that stood out was passion and creation in itself. Writers want to create and share worlds, cultures, people, history, opinions, thoughts, feelings, and so on. Some even mention it as therapy. And as a psychology student, I know writing has been used as therapy with great results:)
As for publishing, most obviously want to publish and most seems to keep writing as something on the side, in addition to a job more or less unrelated to writing. Only five wanted to make a living on writing alone. If that means publishing a super hit like Harry Potter or working as a freelance writer on the side, I don’t know.

Now there is the interesting part, namely where people get their feedback. Not surprisingly 85,7% gets feedback from friends and/or family, and on second place the blogs, online communities, forums and the like appear. But I am surprised to see that two actually gets feedback from an established writer! Non-professionals beta-readers also seem popular.

I did look for gender differences, and the guys seems to not promote themselves or their writing as much as the girls(I picked 7 girls at random to match the 7 guys who participated). The girls also seemed to get more feedback than the guys. I have read articles that girls are better with the social elements, also on the web, so there might be a connection there. They might simply be better at establishing contact and then get feedback.

And despite the few guys, they seemed to want to make a living on writing alone more than the girls, who wanted to have writing on the side of employment. But both seem to fear rejection equally. This is what psychology calls Fear of failure. If you try hard to accomplish something, the fall is so much harder when you fail, than when you don’t try.

I’m a little surprised; I expected bigger gender differences, not that I am complaining or anything! The guys and girls seem to be on quite equal footing at this point. But then again, it might just be sampling error:P

Fan-art from The Battle of Urno

Still waiting for a few more respondents on my survey, I have 18 so far, way more than I initially expected:P

If you peek at my Battle of Urno-page you’ll find a short introduction to my fantasy-project. And not even halfway finished, there is fan-art dedicated to it!

Fine! I admit it! I’m cheating since the art belongs to a close friend, but nevertheless, it is freaking fanart! Thanks Jane!<3

Visit the blog Flawberries to view her art!:)

The concept is pretty basic; my friend Jane is extremely fascinated by the elf-king in my story, and one thing led to another. She put herself in my fantasy world chasing after the king’s favor, and desperately trying to get in his pants while failing ever so miserably^^,

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