While we wait…

…for my survey-results:P

I expected the survey to be a giant flop with no participants, but I actually managed to get 9 so far! Don’t ask me how I did it! And I have asked the founders of two Facebook pages for aspiring authors to front my survey, as well as the woman behind the writer-blog Ask Allison. I even tweeted it. Desperate much? Oh well, hopefully I will have more respondents soon.

My life as a student will be over as of may 30th 2011. Well, for now anyway. By then I will have handed in my Bachelordegree paper at the northern most university in the world. And as you can see, my desk shows clear signs of the fact that my paper dead-line was closing in…

Paper Due

Being free of my chains as a student, you’d think I won’t be doing anything but hitting the keys on my keyboard as I don’t have to consider any homework. But since I live in the northern hemisphere, I don’t see the sun too often:P So when I leave for my hometown I’ll probably spend more time in my dad’s yard with a coke on the rocks than by the computer. Until I get a sunburn and get eaten alive by flying bloodsuckers that is.

A Writer’s Life

I have always wondered what goes on inside a writers head. I’m quite an introspective person so I have a pretty good clue on what goes on in my own fuse box. Well, most of the time. Although I am known to blow a fuse now and then:P

Anyway, mostly on a whim, I decided to open up the heads of my fellow unpublished writers and used www.surveymonkey.com to make a free survey. When I have enough respondents I will post the results here on the blog.

Are you an unpublished writer? Then please participate in my survey, it will only take 5 minutes. Naturally, it is anonymous:)


Picture collected here.

The Ivory Pen

So the Ivory Pen is up and I finally have an outlet for my writing. Here my road towards publishing will hopefully unfold and I’ll share my experiences, ideas and tips on the way, as well as many of the pitfalls I’ll probably face-plant in all so gracefully.

But what do I write exactly? Well, as Science Fiction does have a special place in my heart(Thank you Aliens 1&2!), I do have a sci.fi project, but it is a little to challenging for my current writing skills. I feel defeat to admit that, but I always bounce back! So mainly I have been working on an fantasy story which will get it’s own page here on the blog.

However, I have also written poems and short stories, even a homosexual short story in the erotic corner. Had a whole lot of fun with that one!

Oh and I probably should mention; English is a secondary language to me…

Wish me luck, the adventure has begun!