Featuring young writers

Today when I logged on my e-mail, I found a notice about a new follower on my twitter account. And what I found just went straight to the heart. The twitter account was linked to a brand new site aimed at writing teens and young adults, and I quote;

“(…)a non-profit website created and designed to showcase the works of young people who have found love and passion for writing.”

This site, named Young Writers of Earth, has great potential, and I can’t wait to see it finished. Will I submit any of my own writing? Yes I will:) Free promo is any writer’s dream! The posting of submissions will start in October, and you can submit your writing at; youngwritersofearth@hotmail.ph

However, I do recommend you read the submission guidelines before e-mailing.

A growing writer’s editing problems…

Many writers continiue to grow and hone their skills throughout their careers as writers. Although still unpublished, I am starting to notice a problem with my own growing and improving of skills. If I start out writing chapter 1, I will have improved so much by the time I reach chapter 6 that I have to go back to edit the older ones to match the quality of the newer ones. But guess what. By the time I am done editing, I have improved my skills again, and the proses just repeats itself. I guess this is what one calls an evil circle.

This is the very reason I haven’t finished my fantasy project yet. I have been typing on it, more or less since I was 19, and the difference between the story then, and the story now is just… Yeah, you get the point.

So what am I going to do about it? Screw editing until I have finished the story? Even so I’d have to go back to edit it before taking it to a publisher. Does it mean I should stick to short stories and the like until my skills stabilize? Should I change the way I work by making timelines for example(didn’t go too well the last time)?

I don’t know, I don’t have the answers. And although some would probably say they do have the answers, those answers might not be true for everyone. I have experienced this pattern of thought first hand, and it is not pleasant.

Anyone else have this “problem”? (I guess I shouldn’t refer to it as a problem, it just means I’m improving right?)

Writer communities

A writer’s life can be lonely. Long hours in front of the computer in your pajamas when you really should be sleeping can make anyone depressed when you have only produced a few sentences that mostly look like rubbish from a drunk monkey.

But how can you really be objective towards your own writing? How do you know if it is good or not? I don’t know about other writers, but I tend to look myself so blind from editing my writing over and over, that I don’t even notice my own spelling mistakes anymore!

But fear not fair maidens, rescue is near!

Personally I find entering writing communities(and forums) a great help. Many sites lets you post your work and have other members vote, give ratings, comments and feedback. There are often contests to enter, how-to’s, do’s-and-dont’s, discussion forums, etc. and they give great inspiration and motivation. The life of a writer does not sound so lonely anymore!

There are many great sites out there, and I thought I’d share the ones I found, and hopefully it will give others as much joy and inspiration as they have given me.

If anyone else know of similar sites, please share!


Elfwood(sci.fi and fantasy only)

