Sharing some fanart

It is really too bad that only my friend and I actually understand this hilarious little illustration. It is based upon a scene in my fantasy project, so I guess this is what one would call severe insider-humor.

Long story short; I yoink’ed the myth about whether Scots have anything underneath their kilt or not, to my blue-skinned race in loincloths. Needless to say, my beloved Luna’s curiosity takes overhand. Though someone(clearly) already knows the answer. And knowing Arasia, she probably wish she didn’t. Bitter experience perhaps?:P

So please enjoy the sloppy, late-night entertainment from my friend Jane^^,

-Do you guys have anything under here or what?

Flat tire…

Not long ago I posted 10 tips to get inspired to write. Ironically, I’m the one who is uninspired right now.

I do write and have fun with it at the moment, but it is just the basic stuff that I write to entertain myself, nothing anyone will ever see. What I’m not inspired to work on right now is my Fantasy project. I was so smart/dumb(take your pick) to make a timeline and plot inn various happenings in the story to see where I had to place them roughly speaking. And halfway done I just looked at it and I lost all my air, so now feel like a flat tire. There was SO much to be written, and still there were tons left that hadn’t been plotted in yet. It just looked utterly insurmountable! It was kinda like when I first saw my introduction book in statistics last year at the university. No matter how much I read in that damn book, I never seemed to get closer to ending it!

Anyway, I am still trying to be productive, and thought of entering another competition. This one also with a gay/lesbian theme. So I figured I’d try to write a lesbian erotica this time. It didn’t go to well and… yeah, let’s just leave it at that in case of sensitive readers.

But now my friend who has been making comic strips based on my fantasy project just came back from vacation, maybe she can get me in the mood again! Mood as in; to write on my fantasy project, not the lesbian erotica:P

Have a nice summer everyone!


One minute of silence throughout Norway

For a whole minute, Norway stood still to remember the ones lost in the tragedy in Oslo and Utøya. They will always be remembered. Those left of our young aspiring politicians will be the next generation. Who is scared?


“I have a message to those who attacked us: we will not let you destroy our democracy, and our commitment for a better world. We are a proud nation, and no one can bomb us to silence.” -Jens Stoltenberg, Prime minister.


“If one man can show so much hate, think about all the love we all can show together.” -Helle Gannestad

Entering a competition

It is done. Last night I submitted a piece of writing for a contest I found at WritersCafé. It could be everything from haiku, poems and short stories, just no more than 3 pages. If I get first, second or third place, it will be printed in a magazine in Las Vegas aimed at the GLBT(gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered) community. So yes, I just wrote gay erotica which will be labeled with my full name. Scary, really! But it would be a huge step in the right direction for me, I have never had anything published!

There are two more contests I wish to compete in, both in the same genre(rather not think about what this might tell people about my character!)with the same prize; publishing! If I go off with the victory in just one of the contests, my summer will be complete!

Sure, I take a prize like this with a grain of salt, but not competing would definitely not get me anywhere!

Anyway, here is a tiny taste of the story who was just submittet;

Face down in the bed, Yuki is lying with his arms and legs straight out, close to trying to suffocate him-self in the madras. How did it come to this? How did this happen? How on earth did he end up getting a forced blowjob in a public area from someone he didn’t even like?

The safety inside the dark closet was not as safe anymore as an outsider had torn open the door and jerked him out. Yuki had heard of coming out of the closet, but this was ridiculous!

How did Yuki arrive to such a low state that he’d try to suffocate himself? It all started last weekend. In the icy cold rain in a deserted park Yuki let himself get seduced under a dead street light. He remembered the icy rain which made his clothing stick to his body. Warm hands had traveled across his cold skin and reached into his pants which were already slipping off. He remembered the low, whispering voice in his ear and the hot breath on his skin.

Yuki had just met Edward. Tall and lean with a tight ass, he gazed with hazel eyes through long locks of black hair. Edward was just traveling through; no one would ever know Yuki had slept with a man. That he was gay. It would be sealed shut in his heart forever. All he had to do was to keep up the façade. Well, that’s what he thought until Edward suddenly appeared in Yuki’s Social science class at Twin Peaks high.

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