
I tried for NaNoWriMo, but I kept stumbling in the fact that I couldn’t work on just ONE project, even though I had this agreement with myself of sticking to one. But then I suddenly stumbled onto inspiration for another project and… well, the snowball kind of started rolling uncontrollably from there. So I did actually produce quite a lot, though not 50 000 words…

I figured I had to post some of what I have produced, it is sadly not some of the best things I wrote, but with the Internet being a notorious place to have your work stolen, maybe it’s for the best. I might just be full of myself but better safe than sorry I guess.

Well, here goes!


Erica sighs. She wanted to leave this frozen hell hole for as long as she could remember. Bozuk Ruh encounters had gone through the roof, and nobody had the guts, or was suicidal enough, to take the long mountain road down the mountain to head for the docks. There you could sail away to… well, whatever was outside of this mountain.

But the way there was too far. Too cold. Too dangerous.

With the mountain infested with Bozuk Ruhs, The Unheards came walking through the village quite regularly. The village would divide in two to make a path for the freak of nature that came walking with the ridiculously huge sword on their backs. They would disappear up into the stormy mountains to go hunting to thin out the population. They sometimes stayed there for months before they returned, only to pass through and leave again. Some never made it back. Others returned barely still in one piece, their faces still vacant.


This is an acronym that is found often around the Internet during the November month, but what is it? I first discovered it last year, and had to find out what on earth it was. NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. And the concept is easy; the goal is to write 50 000 words during November. In other words(no pun intended), write a whole novel.

What’s the prize?

IF you make the deadline with the 50 000 words, you can be added to NaNoWriMo’s Winner’s page, receive a certificate and a web badge to pride your blog, website or whatever you have.


Well, why the hell not?:)

Not is it only an adventure in it-self to (try)writing a whole freaking novel in just a month, but you get the chance to develop your writing skills, come in contact with fellow writers, and even risk the chance of being published, like some of the previous participants have.

Am I participating?

Well, I kind of discovered the whole thing two days ago. Namely November 1st. NaNoWriMo’s kickoff in other words(there is that unintended pun again…), so I haven’t actually decided yet, although I’m writing. How’s that for a paradox…

What am I writing?

I had the basic idea for a fantasy novel, the starting setting, and a few characters, and it has been laying dormant for quite some time. So I figured that if I was going to write for NaNoWriMo, I might as well breathe life into it. I’ll see if I post some extracts here on the blog as I write, and of course on Wattpad and Writerscafe. If you’re a member there, look me up! My usernames are Cookiemonster87 for Writerscafe and Theivorypen for Wattpad:)

Do I think I’ll make it?


Probably not a good attitude, but I’m a realist, and I know myself; I don’t think I have the self discipline to write a certain number of words each day. But trying never hurt anyone. Well. Except when you try to go skiing and crash into a tree. So much for my viking blood, eh?

Entering a competition

It is done. Last night I submitted a piece of writing for a contest I found at WritersCafé. It could be everything from haiku, poems and short stories, just no more than 3 pages. If I get first, second or third place, it will be printed in a magazine in Las Vegas aimed at the GLBT(gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered) community. So yes, I just wrote gay erotica which will be labeled with my full name. Scary, really! But it would be a huge step in the right direction for me, I have never had anything published!

There are two more contests I wish to compete in, both in the same genre(rather not think about what this might tell people about my character!)with the same prize; publishing! If I go off with the victory in just one of the contests, my summer will be complete!

Sure, I take a prize like this with a grain of salt, but not competing would definitely not get me anywhere!

Anyway, here is a tiny taste of the story who was just submittet;

Face down in the bed, Yuki is lying with his arms and legs straight out, close to trying to suffocate him-self in the madras. How did it come to this? How did this happen? How on earth did he end up getting a forced blowjob in a public area from someone he didn’t even like?

The safety inside the dark closet was not as safe anymore as an outsider had torn open the door and jerked him out. Yuki had heard of coming out of the closet, but this was ridiculous!

How did Yuki arrive to such a low state that he’d try to suffocate himself? It all started last weekend. In the icy cold rain in a deserted park Yuki let himself get seduced under a dead street light. He remembered the icy rain which made his clothing stick to his body. Warm hands had traveled across his cold skin and reached into his pants which were already slipping off. He remembered the low, whispering voice in his ear and the hot breath on his skin.

Yuki had just met Edward. Tall and lean with a tight ass, he gazed with hazel eyes through long locks of black hair. Edward was just traveling through; no one would ever know Yuki had slept with a man. That he was gay. It would be sealed shut in his heart forever. All he had to do was to keep up the façade. Well, that’s what he thought until Edward suddenly appeared in Yuki’s Social science class at Twin Peaks high.

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