Keep it simple?

I’ve recently been working a lot with my story The Unheard, and it kept bothering me that the monsters I created didn’t have a place or point of origin. They were just there. It bothered me that I didn’t know where they came from? I had a legend in the story itself of their creation, but I didn’t want it to be the truth. It’s kind of the same as with Zombie-movies; what caused the zombie outbreak in the first place? I sat there with the same issue.

Now, normally I come up with incredible complex ideas of how it all happened, terrified of face-planting into a cliché(although I probably do so more often than I am aware of from time to time), because surely, monsters don’t just rain from the sky(although that might actually have been an interesting twist too…!).

But I couldn’t bring anything up to a boil in that black pot of ideas I have in my head. I kept obsessing about where the monsters came from since they are central to the story. All I knew was that they could not always have existed as it would damage the storyline.

Then, my penpal, who has no interest in writing, suggest something so incredible simple, yet it solved all my problems. A curse. Simple and straightforward, and everyone knows how a curse works.

This idea didn’t just solve the issue of creation, it rose more questions which had to be answered. Who cast the curse? Who did they cast it on? Why were they able to do so? Why did they do it?

And thus, the story thickened. It was like adding salt to a watery porridge:)


This is an acronym that is found often around the Internet during the November month, but what is it? I first discovered it last year, and had to find out what on earth it was. NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. And the concept is easy; the goal is to write 50 000 words during November. In other words(no pun intended), write a whole novel.

What’s the prize?

IF you make the deadline with the 50 000 words, you can be added to NaNoWriMo’s Winner’s page, receive a certificate and a web badge to pride your blog, website or whatever you have.


Well, why the hell not?:)

Not is it only an adventure in it-self to (try)writing a whole freaking novel in just a month, but you get the chance to develop your writing skills, come in contact with fellow writers, and even risk the chance of being published, like some of the previous participants have.

Am I participating?

Well, I kind of discovered the whole thing two days ago. Namely November 1st. NaNoWriMo’s kickoff in other words(there is that unintended pun again…), so I haven’t actually decided yet, although I’m writing. How’s that for a paradox…

What am I writing?

I had the basic idea for a fantasy novel, the starting setting, and a few characters, and it has been laying dormant for quite some time. So I figured that if I was going to write for NaNoWriMo, I might as well breathe life into it. I’ll see if I post some extracts here on the blog as I write, and of course on Wattpad and Writerscafe. If you’re a member there, look me up! My usernames are Cookiemonster87 for Writerscafe and Theivorypen for Wattpad:)

Do I think I’ll make it?


Probably not a good attitude, but I’m a realist, and I know myself; I don’t think I have the self discipline to write a certain number of words each day. But trying never hurt anyone. Well. Except when you try to go skiing and crash into a tree. So much for my viking blood, eh?

New ideas – Pre-peak

I have been able to start writing again, but stuck to smaller ideas and projects, although, last night, I did some editing on my novel, and it felt great!

But, since I have been working on a few short stories that hasn’t reached my wattpad account yet, I though I’d give a pre-peek on one of them for my followers. Mostly because I am so pleased with the opening of this story, the build up is really nice, the humor is good, I just like it!

Now the question is if I can execute the rest of the story as well as the beginning. The story obviously has a moral at the end, and there is even a psychological element in it(I studied psychology after all!). So what you see below here is raw material, straight from the liver, no editing, no nothing. Just pure Ivory Pen!

Sadly I haven’t found a title I’m happy with yet, so my working title so far has been, Night of the new Moon.




It’s not easy being a teenager. Boys accidentally get an erection in the locker-room. Their voices change and cracks. They shrink in shame as their mom clean their room and by chance discover their porn. Girls get their periods and have to find their way in a sea of pads and tampons while worrying if their jeans are fashion right, and what size bra they should use.

I really wish I was a normal teenager, with normal problems. Then I could spend my days worrying if my crush likes me or not. But no. I had to be different. And I don’t mean hair in weird places or asymmetrical boobs. It’s worse. Much worse. You’re probably thinking I have lots of acne or some other weird disease. I wish.

No, when I hit puberty something completely different happened.

I, turned into a cat.

They didn’t mention anything about that in Health class!

Every night of the new moon, I change into a black, fluffy cat with green eyes.

Mom, is there something you want to tell me?

Turns out, I’m adopted.

Not exactly the answer I had in mind. But what am I supposed to ask her? Mo-om! Why do I turn into a cat each month?

Yeah, I don’t think so.



To be continued…

Second chapter up and running!

I am finally able to work some on my Battle of Urno project again, after stuggling with poor motivation. But last night I updated the second chapter to fit the changes of the first and posted it on Wattpad. It’s not as nice as the first, but it’s good enough to start getting feedback at least.

It really feels good to be working on this again, it’s like seeing an old friend again! And to not challange my motivation I will probably skip chapter tree for now, I don’t really have a proper layout for it and I need to ask my friend for help, but she is so busy with work I don’t wanna bother her too much.

So despite that I got bad news today I’m doing pretty okay. The job I applied for had 112 other applicants. Made my resume look like a joke! And I am suspecting that the place I live in will be sold soon, so now I am in even more hurry to find a job and get the hell out of here!

Sharing some fanart

It is really too bad that only my friend and I actually understand this hilarious little illustration. It is based upon a scene in my fantasy project, so I guess this is what one would call severe insider-humor.

Long story short; I yoink’ed the myth about whether Scots have anything underneath their kilt or not, to my blue-skinned race in loincloths. Needless to say, my beloved Luna’s curiosity takes overhand. Though someone(clearly) already knows the answer. And knowing Arasia, she probably wish she didn’t. Bitter experience perhaps?:P

So please enjoy the sloppy, late-night entertainment from my friend Jane^^,

-Do you guys have anything under here or what?

Fan-art from The Battle of Urno

Still waiting for a few more respondents on my survey, I have 18 so far, way more than I initially expected:P

If you peek at my Battle of Urno-page you’ll find a short introduction to my fantasy-project. And not even halfway finished, there is fan-art dedicated to it!

Fine! I admit it! I’m cheating since the art belongs to a close friend, but nevertheless, it is freaking fanart! Thanks Jane!<3

Visit the blog Flawberries to view her art!:)

The concept is pretty basic; my friend Jane is extremely fascinated by the elf-king in my story, and one thing led to another. She put herself in my fantasy world chasing after the king’s favor, and desperately trying to get in his pants while failing ever so miserably^^,