To plot or not to plot

Writing in English can be a treacherous thing to do. It most definitely has its pros and cons. I keep stumbling the cons every-so-often, and I recently did so again. I went to a forum to ask for help on a story, and posted it, obviously at the time, in the plot section.

It didn’t belong there.

Why? Because the plot wasn’t what I was having trouble with. Plot meant something different than I thought it did. Apparently the Norwegian equivalent of the word plot means something a little different. Wouldn’t have hurt to have known that a little earlier…

The plot is what drives the characters towards, or away, from the goal; their motivation. I already know what drives the character in this particular story forward, what his motivation is. But the clues that leads to his goal, is what I was having trouble with. He’s got the motivation to reach the goal, he just doesn’t know how to get to the goal. I have to drop a trail of breadcrumbs for him to follow, each time a little closer(or further away, I might be an ass and drop some moldy crumbs!) to his objective.

So now I feel a bit dumb to be honest! But now another question arises; just what AM I in the need of help with? What do you call the breadcrumbs as I have just named it?

I normally ask a friend for a lot of help and brainstorm with her, but she is so busy with work that it feels like my head is going to explode with ideas I cannot air out to see what she thinks(Yes, her opinion is important to me). So in the end I ended up bugging my penpal on Skype for over an hour with my problem. He actually had a few good ideas I could spin of on, but unfortunately nothing that could turn into a breadcrumb. But maybe it will be easier to put them out as I have more of the storyline? I’m writing down the rough outline as a result of our chat, so maybe that will help.

Gonna go sleep on it!


I tried for NaNoWriMo, but I kept stumbling in the fact that I couldn’t work on just ONE project, even though I had this agreement with myself of sticking to one. But then I suddenly stumbled onto inspiration for another project and… well, the snowball kind of started rolling uncontrollably from there. So I did actually produce quite a lot, though not 50 000 words…

I figured I had to post some of what I have produced, it is sadly not some of the best things I wrote, but with the Internet being a notorious place to have your work stolen, maybe it’s for the best. I might just be full of myself but better safe than sorry I guess.

Well, here goes!


Erica sighs. She wanted to leave this frozen hell hole for as long as she could remember. Bozuk Ruh encounters had gone through the roof, and nobody had the guts, or was suicidal enough, to take the long mountain road down the mountain to head for the docks. There you could sail away to… well, whatever was outside of this mountain.

But the way there was too far. Too cold. Too dangerous.

With the mountain infested with Bozuk Ruhs, The Unheards came walking through the village quite regularly. The village would divide in two to make a path for the freak of nature that came walking with the ridiculously huge sword on their backs. They would disappear up into the stormy mountains to go hunting to thin out the population. They sometimes stayed there for months before they returned, only to pass through and leave again. Some never made it back. Others returned barely still in one piece, their faces still vacant.


This is an acronym that is found often around the Internet during the November month, but what is it? I first discovered it last year, and had to find out what on earth it was. NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. And the concept is easy; the goal is to write 50 000 words during November. In other words(no pun intended), write a whole novel.

What’s the prize?

IF you make the deadline with the 50 000 words, you can be added to NaNoWriMo’s Winner’s page, receive a certificate and a web badge to pride your blog, website or whatever you have.


Well, why the hell not?:)

Not is it only an adventure in it-self to (try)writing a whole freaking novel in just a month, but you get the chance to develop your writing skills, come in contact with fellow writers, and even risk the chance of being published, like some of the previous participants have.

Am I participating?

Well, I kind of discovered the whole thing two days ago. Namely November 1st. NaNoWriMo’s kickoff in other words(there is that unintended pun again…), so I haven’t actually decided yet, although I’m writing. How’s that for a paradox…

What am I writing?

I had the basic idea for a fantasy novel, the starting setting, and a few characters, and it has been laying dormant for quite some time. So I figured that if I was going to write for NaNoWriMo, I might as well breathe life into it. I’ll see if I post some extracts here on the blog as I write, and of course on Wattpad and Writerscafe. If you’re a member there, look me up! My usernames are Cookiemonster87 for Writerscafe and Theivorypen for Wattpad:)

Do I think I’ll make it?


Probably not a good attitude, but I’m a realist, and I know myself; I don’t think I have the self discipline to write a certain number of words each day. But trying never hurt anyone. Well. Except when you try to go skiing and crash into a tree. So much for my viking blood, eh?

Reply from the editor!

My friend Jane and I just got a reply from the editor after we sent in the script and the drafts of the comic strips. I honestly didn’t expect her(the editor) to reply on a Saturday, but it’s only a first-impression feedback for the time being, but her feedback was indeed positive!

She liked the unusual spy vs. spy concept(can’t really reveal more than that) and that she hadn’t seen anything like it before, which was usually a good sign. But she wanted to see more drafts of the strips themselves, to better give a full feedback. So while Jane makes more drafts, I’m gonna try and come up with more ideas:)

Did this totally make my day? Yes it did:) I’m even getting paid for it! I’d be happy just to get the script on print, but hey, my wallet contains more moths than coins, so I’m not saying no-thanks either!

Then there is the really stressful part that my friend Jane mentioned. If this becomes a success(unlikely, but who knows?) we would have to establish a firm. That would mean deadlines for more script. Wage distribution. Taxes. All the legal stuff. Makes me break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. Particularly since I’m completely retarded when it comes to numbers and economics, and anything even remotely related to it. I think derp, is in order here.

But like Jane said; One step at the time!



Testdriving as a script writer

I recently got the opportunity to test-drive the art of script writing. It quite literally dropped into my lap! My friend Jane, who is a great illustrator, got an opening in a Norwegian cartoon magazine where she was offered a few pages for a cartoon of her own.

My friend ran into a roadblock though, she already had a deadline for a different customer coming up and now she had to come up with a cartoon out of the blue. Considering she “only” had been granted couple of pages, she couldn’t have something too big and epic. There simply wouldn’t be enough space to develop the characters and the plot. The solution was a humor based cartoon, which tend to be a bit simpler.

But Jane complained to me that she wasn’t good at coming up with funny stuff. Somehow it ended up with me throwing together a script on my laptop. I have never tried writing a script for a cartoon before, it was all new to me! And it was in my least explored genre too; humor.

But I finished the script, Jane made a draft of one of the strips before it was all sent to the editor. Now we are just waiting for the verdict, if it is a go or no-go. I don’t know what to expect, I’m a complete newbie at scriptwriting, but it was a funny experience. Working with Jane was pretty easy too since we have good chemistry.

So I do hope our idea will be published. If it does get published… could I start referring to myself as a writer…?:P Since I’m published? Beginner obviously, but still… Writer… It does have a nice ring to it;)

Eureka moment!

I have this bad habit of over-thinking stuff when I am trying to sleep. Which I did last night. But you know what they say, all dark clouds have a silver lining! Because, it’s during the night I have what my friend calls “magic hour.” I just burst with ideas and I sometimes end up fueling my friends spinn-off comic strip.

This Eureka-moment of mine revolves around my own inability to recognize when I write really well. My best writing comes when I’m just writing, not when I’m trying to write good, which I normally do. Sounds like a contradiction, but I really couldn’t see it until someone pointed it out to me and I’m like; Wow, she/he is right! This is good!

But last night I laid thinking about this, I thought it was stupid that I couldn’t recognize my own good writing, and went through some of the pieces in my mind that people have praised me for. And then it hit me! I recognized what made them good!

Let me show you with this extract from my novel, The Battle of Urno.

The more Mira thinks about fighting Zoariack, the more her stomach hurts. She spends her first day in Glamingfalls waiting for the other girls by walking anxiously and restless back and forth in the village.

Don’t seem like much does it? But look at what it tells you as a reader;

1. What Mira is thinking about (fighting)

2. The problem at hand(Zoariack)

3. Her emotions(anxiety and restlessness)

4. What her emotions makes her feel physically(stomach pain)

5. What she is doing(walking around and waiting)

That’s a whole lot of information in just those two simple sentences. It even reminds the reader where she is, how long she has been there and who she is waiting for! It’s a nice opening of a chapter, pretty much summing up the previous chapter in just two sentences.

Here is another extract from the same novel, can you believe I was intending to edit this away?

“It’s their fault!” He gasps in horror. “They made me drop it!”

Zoariack doesn’t pull a mine at all as Rain continues to plead, clinging to his master’s feet.

This is such a great character description of Rain. Exactly the kind of person I want him to be!

What does this tell the reader?

1. His emotions(horror, fear)

2. His actions(clinging, pleading)

3. His relationship to Zoariack(master)

4. Who’s at fault for the broken item(the girls)

This last point is particularly interesting since it was in fact Rain who broke it(and no, it’s not a vase, lol!), which also gives a good peek into what kind of person Rain is.

So what is it that makes these two extracts good? That is what my eureka-moment was all about after all. Well, lying in bed last night I realized it’s the combination of information I’m giving the reader. I’m combining different dimensions of a person into one; thoughts, physical state, emotions, personality traits and their location.

New ideas – Pre-peak

I have been able to start writing again, but stuck to smaller ideas and projects, although, last night, I did some editing on my novel, and it felt great!

But, since I have been working on a few short stories that hasn’t reached my wattpad account yet, I though I’d give a pre-peek on one of them for my followers. Mostly because I am so pleased with the opening of this story, the build up is really nice, the humor is good, I just like it!

Now the question is if I can execute the rest of the story as well as the beginning. The story obviously has a moral at the end, and there is even a psychological element in it(I studied psychology after all!). So what you see below here is raw material, straight from the liver, no editing, no nothing. Just pure Ivory Pen!

Sadly I haven’t found a title I’m happy with yet, so my working title so far has been, Night of the new Moon.




It’s not easy being a teenager. Boys accidentally get an erection in the locker-room. Their voices change and cracks. They shrink in shame as their mom clean their room and by chance discover their porn. Girls get their periods and have to find their way in a sea of pads and tampons while worrying if their jeans are fashion right, and what size bra they should use.

I really wish I was a normal teenager, with normal problems. Then I could spend my days worrying if my crush likes me or not. But no. I had to be different. And I don’t mean hair in weird places or asymmetrical boobs. It’s worse. Much worse. You’re probably thinking I have lots of acne or some other weird disease. I wish.

No, when I hit puberty something completely different happened.

I, turned into a cat.

They didn’t mention anything about that in Health class!

Every night of the new moon, I change into a black, fluffy cat with green eyes.

Mom, is there something you want to tell me?

Turns out, I’m adopted.

Not exactly the answer I had in mind. But what am I supposed to ask her? Mo-om! Why do I turn into a cat each month?

Yeah, I don’t think so.



To be continued…

Second chapter up and running!

I am finally able to work some on my Battle of Urno project again, after stuggling with poor motivation. But last night I updated the second chapter to fit the changes of the first and posted it on Wattpad. It’s not as nice as the first, but it’s good enough to start getting feedback at least.

It really feels good to be working on this again, it’s like seeing an old friend again! And to not challange my motivation I will probably skip chapter tree for now, I don’t really have a proper layout for it and I need to ask my friend for help, but she is so busy with work I don’t wanna bother her too much.

So despite that I got bad news today I’m doing pretty okay. The job I applied for had 112 other applicants. Made my resume look like a joke! And I am suspecting that the place I live in will be sold soon, so now I am in even more hurry to find a job and get the hell out of here!

Todays inspiration

As I am still in an unstable situation financially and employment wise, and thus I continue to have huge problems focusing on my writing. I just cant seem to finish short stories even! But I still manage to keep my mood up somewhat, and I still find inspiration and motivation to come up with ideas, even if the writing itself doesn’t seem to go to well.

The source of my inspiration this time was a fellow wattpad-member. She has reviewed a TON of writing, including the first chapter of my “The Battle of Urno.” And it really makes me happy to get positive feedback. Usually, people criticize to help you get better and naturally, this is important! But sometimes in our effort to help fellow writers improve, we forget to mention the good things.

And this particular member sure had lots of positive things to say! See her feedback on my story here:

This genuinely made my day! I think the best praise I can get for my writing, particularly a big project like this, is for someone to say it is original. And luckily my language wasn’t slaughtered! I have a feeling I sometimes use expressions in my writing that we Norwegians would call “homemade English.” Why do I have this feeling? Someone once wrote me the following comment; You don’t have English as your native language… do you?


But what about you guys? What is the best praise you can get on your writing?

Let your friends promote you!

Oh how I love discovering new sites aimed at promoting young writers! Or well, they discovered me honestly. In my last post I shared the discovery of Young Writers of Earth, which will start posting accepted works in October, but now I stumbled over another site with a similar concept. StoryFans simply hosts fiction, and their fans can vote their work up along the ranks! All you need to to is to make an account, write a few words about yourself, and then you can start submitting. Will take you 2 minutes.

There is only one problem…





You vote through facebook.

Yes, I’m one of those people who doesn’t like facebook. I’m not going to make a long post on why, but apart from the obvious I’m not sure I want everyone I know on facebook to know I write. And I grew up in a really small town with an impressive jungle telegraph!

I mean, if I show to the world that I write I feel pressured into making it to actual publicizing. The way it is now it could just remain as a hobby since only a handful of my friends know I write:P But on the other hand, I really should stop being such a wuss and make serious of my ambitions. My blog is already linked to my name. And my blog is linked to wattpad where some of my writing is to be found, so tracing me doesn’t exactly require much effort:P

What do you guys think? Am I just being a wuss?:P

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