
I tried for NaNoWriMo, but I kept stumbling in the fact that I couldn’t work on just ONE project, even though I had this agreement with myself of sticking to one. But then I suddenly stumbled onto inspiration for another project and… well, the snowball kind of started rolling uncontrollably from there. So I did actually produce quite a lot, though not 50 000 words…

I figured I had to post some of what I have produced, it is sadly not some of the best things I wrote, but with the Internet being a notorious place to have your work stolen, maybe it’s for the best. I might just be full of myself but better safe than sorry I guess.

Well, here goes!


Erica sighs. She wanted to leave this frozen hell hole for as long as she could remember. Bozuk Ruh encounters had gone through the roof, and nobody had the guts, or was suicidal enough, to take the long mountain road down the mountain to head for the docks. There you could sail away to… well, whatever was outside of this mountain.

But the way there was too far. Too cold. Too dangerous.

With the mountain infested with Bozuk Ruhs, The Unheards came walking through the village quite regularly. The village would divide in two to make a path for the freak of nature that came walking with the ridiculously huge sword on their backs. They would disappear up into the stormy mountains to go hunting to thin out the population. They sometimes stayed there for months before they returned, only to pass through and leave again. Some never made it back. Others returned barely still in one piece, their faces still vacant.